University Policy

Here you can find an overview of the different committees of the university with student participation.

Information on the committees from the overview

Student Parliament One of the most important bodies is the Student Parliament, which is directly elected by you. Thus, all students bring their weight into this construct.

StudentCouncil The members of the studentcouncil (i.e. the students of the corresponding courses of study) elect their student council. They take care of subject-specific problems, questions and topics.

Central Student Council The 5 student councils then elect the Central Student Council (FZR), which serves as an exchange between the student councils in order to deal with interdisciplinary issues.

Ausländerrat The foreign students elect their Ausländerrat to represent their interests.

AStA The AStA is elected by the student parliament. It is the strong arm of the StuPa, which carries out its decisions.

Ältestenrat The Ältestenrat is the controlling body of the student bodies and is composed of StuPa and FZR members.

Sportreferat The Sportreferat takes care of intergroup matters of university sports. It is elected by the Obleuteversammlung, i.e. the leaders of the sports groups.

Senate Two student representatives are directly elected by you to the Senate, the highest body of the entire university. This means that the voice of the students is heard at the highest level and by the Presidential Board.

Faculty Councils The 3 Faculty Councils (Natural and Material Sciences / Energy and Economic Sciences / Mathematics, Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering) ensure subject-specific communication between the faculties and the university management. They also administer the examination regulations and implementation rules. There 2 student representatives are purely elected directly by you.

Study Commissions In each of the 5 study commissions (Natural and Material Sciences / Energy and Raw Materials / Economic Sciences / Mathematics and Computer Science / Mechanical Engineering and Process Engineering) there are 4 students and 4 professors/staff members. They manage funds to improve teaching, ensure studyability and develop new courses.

Study Quality Means Committee The Study Quality Means Committee is provided by the study committees and the StuPa. This allows 6 students and 5 professors/staff to manage funds to improve the overall study quality with personnel and material items.